Making sense of a bike flat!

Abhishek Ganesh
2 min readJul 2, 2021


First posted on Instagram:

A hundred kilometres away from the city, down the lonely roads of an old village, as remote as it can get, facing a dam with water creeping by, here we stand isolated from the hustle and bustle, fixing a flat!

Cycling has taught me a lot of things, but the most important of all to be self reliant and sticking together! Riding such long distances into remote corners, there’s no guarantee of finding a cycle repair shop within a walking distance (or should I say driving distance?). You might need to ride/walk more than 10–20 kilometres just on the hope of finding a repair shop which might not even be listed on google maps :(. And consider your hope to be definitely crushed if its after 8pm. Carrying a basic toolkit, puncture kit, some snacks and water is almost indispensable.

Life too works as such! There’s always an insurmountable force which prevents you to reach your intended destination. You’ll be all alone cursing yourself for being that situation. It is always good to be prepared, but you cannot have your shields up all the time. That’s the point where you learn acceptance, humility and the courage to get going. The journey is what gives you the most pleasure and satisfaction, not the destination. You’ll always remember the physical and mental barrier you overcame to reach where you are! Give yourself kudos to breaking those walls and going through the journey of life :)

There are infinite flat tyres you’ll need to fix, so buckle up! There’s a joy to be found and cherished in fixing things too.

P.S. My hub bearing broke down a few hours after this! And the ride got extended by 6 hours :(

